středa 30. března 2016

Raspberry Pi 2 a jeho kamera (PiCam)

Windows 10 IoT Core v současné verzi nepodporuje kameru připojenou přímo do konektotu kamery na desce RPi. :(

Návod jak to zvládnout v Rasbianu najdete na

With this release of Windows 10 IoT Core for the Raspberry Pi 2, support for camera peripheral devices is limited. The PiCam device directly connected to the onboard camera bus is not currently supported, as it requires GPU services that are not currently available on the Raspberry Pi because the DirectX driver has not been implemented. Modern USB webcams produce data streams that are very demanding on the USB Host controller. Even when used with low resolution settings webcams will require additional USB fine tuning and specialized control logic. We are planning to support a number of USB cameras in the near future and will publish specific information on supported devices as soon as possible.

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